Product Feature – Hatch Cover Bag

Looking for a place to stash your snacks, drinks bottle or even a few spare parts whilst out on the water sailing? Then you need an Allen hatch cover bag.
There’s only so many things you can shove in the front of your buoyance aid, so fitting a hatch cover bag will quickly and easily maximise storage space on your dinghy.
The hatch cover bag is super simple to install and will fit all Allen hatch covers. The bag can also be fitted to other brands of hatch covers, so long as they feature a moulding bump on the internal side of the lid.
When the bag is installed, it sits inside the hull of the boat, keeping your items dry. The hatch cover bag does not affect the water tightness of the hatch cover, if you use the screw and washer provided.
A partial opening on one side of the bag allows large items to be easily stored in the bag, whilst also stopping smaller items from falling out when opened. Instead of using a metal zip, our hatch cover bag utilises a Velcro seal. This avoids the chance of a zip rusting and getting stuck over time. The velcro seal also ensures it’s as easy as possible to open and close when out on the water with gloves on.
The bag will fit roughly 1 x 500cl bottle of water and several snack bars or tools.
Check out the following video to see how easy it is to fit an A-BAG-KIT.